Sunday, 3 March 2013

Whooah, we're halfway there

8 weeks into a 16 week training plan, looks like I'm halfway there.

The plan for the week was three runs of 7 miles each. Wednesday was a pacy 7 miles with a friend, a faster friend so it was a quicker pace than I would have managed solo. Thursday's 7 miles was actually 6.25 as I was very pushed for time and tired. I've been single parenting this week as Pete's been working away, I somehow managed school, work, bootcamp (me), football training (Sam) and two runs as well as keeping the pair of us clean and fed.
Today's run was the highlight of my running week. I ran with 2 friends and we  did 8 miles offroad, the weather was perfect, the views were brilliant and the company was great. In my opinion you've hit the right pace for a Sunday run if you can hold a detailed discussion on Emma Bridgwater crockery as you run. It's not something you often see in the marathon training manuals but it is a fact.

The plan for this week is 4, 7 and 16. In reality it's going to be 7, 4 and 21 as I've entered the Grindleford Gallop on Saturday. The Grindleford Gallop is 21 miles scenic off road running, it sounds tough and it's not quite the standard road run in the plan but it's time on feet and it's endurance training.

Eight weeks in and I am feeling fitter and stronger than I did a couple of months ago. If the next eight weeks go as well as the first eight then I should get to the start line feeling well prepared. Even if it all goes to plan 26.2 miles still sounds like an awfully long way to run.

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